AINTEROL™ Pueraria Mirifica Extract:
This is the strongest possible Pueraria Mirifica extract available! It can be taking orally but do not exceed 6 drops a day. It can also be added into any lotions or creams but do not exceed 5% concentration in lotions or creams. See usage instructions below for more details.
If you wish to purchase wholesale box of 20, 50, 68, 120 or 168 units please contact us.
Many reasons to use Pueraria Mirifica Capsules:
Usage Directions:
Lotions or Cream:
You can use it 1-5% in any lotion or cream. Just calculate weight. For example: 100gm of lotion or cream you need to add between 1-5gm of extract depending on the stregnth you desire.
If you take it orally you need to mix it in a drink to dilute it first. It is too strong to take without mixing. Mix with 8 ounces of milk or soy milk to help increase effectiveness. Do not take more then once a day. You may need to adjust dosage. For some people 5 to 6 drops is too much, so start carefully with 3 to 4 drops.
Product Info:
Contents: 100ml of Pueraria Mirifica Extract.
Purity: 100% - No preservatives, starches, fillers or chemicals added.
Packaging: Sealed for long freshness. HDPE Pharmaceutical grade bottle.
Warnings & Precautions:
*Do not take Pueraria Mirifica if you are pregnant, nursing or if you have been diagnosed with tumors in estrogen sensitive organs such as ovaries, uterus and /or breast.
*Do not take Pueraria Mirifica if you are highly allergic to herbs or herbal remedies.
*Do not use any fat blocking medicines while you are take Pueraria Mirifica. It can have adverse effect to alternative natural treatment and Pueraira Mirifica will not absorb 100% to your body.
*Do not take Pueraria Mirifica if you have been advised by your doctor to avoid sexual activity because of heart problems (take it seriously).
*Do not take Pueraria Mirifica if you have other major chest pain or heart related problems. Be safe and do not experiment with strong pueraria mirifica if your medical condition doesn't allow.
*Do not take more pueraria mirifica than recommended. Overdosing Pueraria Mirifica may increase bloodflow and cause sleep disruption.